What is this?

The right hand is not just a physical object but also has a deep psychological and spiritual significance in many cultures. From Iain McGilchrist’s perspective, the right hand symbolises the power of instinctive action, which is expressible in the immediacy and spontaneity of our responses to the world. It represents the irrational and intuitive side of human nature, with its emphasis on risk-taking and creativity. The right hand represents dynamism, rooted not in conscious reasoning, but in bodily feeling and direct experience. Its intuitive insight allows us to access deeper knowledge and understandings of the world, and its flexibility and agility allows us to quickly shift direction and react with speed to changes in our environment. In McGilchrist’s view, it thus opens up a realm of possibility beyond the strictly rational world of the left hand.

See also: right hemisphere, left hemisphere, corpus callosum, split brain, right brain

Iain McGilchrist, 'We Need to Act' 93,480

Iain McGilchrist & Sharon Dirckx • Brain science, consciousness & God 28,912

The Wisdom Of Intuition - Iain McGilchrist | Modern Wisdom Podcast 455 23,862

Iain McGilchrist, Rupert Sheldrake and Alex Gomez-Marin in conversation 8,623

A revolution in attention: perceptual awakening in Iain McGilchrist’s work by Dr Mark Vernon 7,280

Asymmetry and Symmetry - Dr Iain McGilchrist 5,144

Iain McGilchrist in Dialogue at the PCC Forum 4,584

Dr Iain McGilchrist - Understanding the human brain 3,845